Sunday 21 April 2013

AS Media Project "Clarity" Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

We decided to use many codes and conventions of thriller films, such as quick cuts, creating an enigma, hand held shots, close up’s and over shoulder shots. Using these codes and conventions were essential, as, without them, our project would not be considered a thriller. However, we also developed and challenged forms and conventions of thrillers, in order for our product to be relevant and slightly different in order to attract our primary target audience of women between 18 and 24. Therefore, we used a female protagonist, which our target audience could connect with and admire. Using a female protagonist can be seen as developing the codes and conventions of a thriller, as although it is becoming a more common occurrence, it is still more recognized to have a male protagonist.

In addition, we filmed our product in daylight, rather than at night. We believed that this would create more suspense, as the audience would not be so used to this format as a thriller, leading to their senses being further heightened. 

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents only one social group, young, independent business women. We managed to do this is many ways, such as casting. We chose a white British female, as our media product was meant to resemble a British film. She would then also represent young, white British women. We then carefully planned our protagonist’s costume to ensure that she looked like a business woman. We did this by using more mature and sophisticated clothing, such as smart black trousers, black heels and a black blazer. We also styled her hair in a classic up-do, adding red lipstick to give a more professional look to her character.

We further represented this social group by our use of props. Although we only used two props, the briefcase and a mobile phone, the style of these objects clearly indicate the professional side of our protagonist. For example, it would be more likely for a professional to be carrying a smart briefcase than the average person.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I believe that the kind of institution that might distribute my media product would be an independent label, focusing on a niche market. I believe this because it is a typically British film, including gritty roads and graffiti infested alleys, and so a major American company would not produce it. In addition, I believe that the institution would focus on a niche market as the fact that the protagonist is a female, especially in a British film, is less commonly found.

I created a media institution myself, “Golden Earring Productions” which is an independent label focusing on a niche market. We did this as we decided that our production group would produce only films including a female protagonist, rather than a male.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for our media product would be females between the ages of 18 and 24. We decided that this would be our primary target audience, as the use of a strong, independent female protagonist would appeal to females as they would idolize and admire the protagonist. This would also enable our target audience to connect with the protagonist, which would possibly ensure that they would then enjoy our product more.

However, we also believed that males would also enjoy our film, despite the fact that they are not our target audience. We suggested that this may be the case as a strong, independent female protagonist may also appeal largely to the male population, as they would admire this and possibly be attracted to this type of independence.

How did you attract/address your audience?

I addressed my audience through the female protagonist in my film. We did this by ensuring that although she appeared to be business-like and professional, she also appeared to look like the average person you could easily see walking down the street. This would enable our audience to connect with her character, and so attract them further to our opening.

I attracted the audience by the using of titles throughout the opening sequence of our thriller film, in order to receive their full attention. I also attracted my audience by my use of music. I did this by adding modern, upbeat music that also fitted with the genre of my product. As the music was modern, it would easily attract my target audience (18 to 24 year old women) as this could likely be along the lines of their music taste.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

From the process of constructing this product, I have learnt that technologies are only as good as the user. I learnt this very quickly, as I found filming very difficult due to the fact that never before have I used technological devices in such a way. I therefore found using the camera itself challenging, as well as ensuring that I used particular shot types to create my desired effect.

In addition to this, I have also realized how unreliable many forms of technology can be. For example, I often found that during filming my camera would run out of charge, creating issues as we had a certain time frame in which to finish our filming. Also, editing and exporting my final edit of my product proved challenging, as there were many issues with the computer network, meaning that the computer would often freeze and become barely usable. This made editing especially hard, as it became very difficult to cut scenes as often I could not watch my opening the whole way through in order to establish which parts I should cut, and which I should use.

However, despite these issues, I have learnt that technologies can be empowering and relatively easy to use as even I, an inexperienced technology user, managed to film and edit my own thriller opening. For example, I was able to create a loop on Garage band to use for the end credits in my product by simply dragging and dropping different aspects which I then made into one unanimous loop.

Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Since completing my preliminary task, I feel that I have learnt many things from progression to the full product. My understanding of filming itself has improved rapidly, as I have learnt about techniques and rules that never before had I come across in any other situation, such as “crossing the line” and the importance of a wide variety of different shot types and the effects that they create. This was due to wider research and continuous practice when filming. As I would show my teacher my work, he could comment and offer advice on a regular basis, pointing out any issues that must be reconsidered or changed. For example, my first day of filming that I had done was later re-filmed as I had not changed the camera’s automatic white balance setting, which if left unnoticed, would have resulted in my film appearing off colour and unprofessional.

In addition to this, I have also learnt how to manage my time, as this soon proved essential when starting my product. I created a Gantt chart in order to help me plan how long to spend on each section of my product, in order to ensure that I did not fall behind or leave anything until the last minute. I have also learnt that it is essential to ensure that all work is done, as other members of teams cannot always prove reliable. In my group, my other member was not very committed to our project, resulting in myself doing the majority of the filming and all of the editing. This had a large impact on my work, as I struggled to manage to complete each section of the project.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Our production group for our film

Golden Earring Productions

Our production group specialises in more modern films, including a female protagonist rather than a male. These protagonists are always objects of aspiration rather than desire, giving the films created a more "die-hard" and serious tone. Our production group specialises in thriller films, yet also produces many other genres, such as horror and fantasy. However, romances and romantic comedies are not included as this would go against the idea of a strong, female protagonist who would rely on nobody but herself.

By doing this, we would create films that would appeal to a large female audience, as the idea of an independent leading female would create feelings of empowerment and independence. These films would also however appeal to males, as the idea of an independent female would be respected and admired. In addition, simply the fact that these type of films are not a rarity but often less common would interest many people.

Examples of films similar to those that our production group would produce

  • The Hunger Games
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Lara Croft
  • Kill Bill
  • Pulp Fiction

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Institutions and audiences research


20th Century Fox

  • film corporation which is one of the six major film studios.
  • founded in 1904 in New York City by William fox, a 25 year old Jewish Hungarian immigrant.
  • subsidiary of News Corporation which is/was owned by Rupert Murdoch.
  • Produced some very successful films, e.g. Avatar, Star Wars, Speed and The Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Mostly create comedy and family films as these are more profitable, such as Alvin and The Chipmunks. However, they also create horror films, such as "From Hell".
  • They also create thrillers, such as new release "A Good Day to Die Hard".

Warner Bros.

  • founded in 1923
  • American producer of film, television and music entertainment.
  • a subsidiary of Time Warner
  • has many of its own subsidiaries, such as Warner Bros. Studios, Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Home Video.
  • produced many recent films, such as "Beautiful Creatures" and "The Hangover Part 111" as well as well-known films, such as "The Dark Knight Rises" and "Red Dust". 
  • it is a fully-integrated, broad-based, entertainment company and a global leader in the creation, production, distribution, licensing and marketing of all forms of entertainment and their related businesses.
  • Warner Bros. either fully finance or co-finance the films it produces and maintains worldwide distribution rights.
  • Monetizes its distribution and marketing operations by distributing films that are totally financed and produced by third parties.

Hammer Films

  • a film production company based in the UK, founded in 1934.
  • a hugely successful run of Gothic monster movies cemented the company's reputation as "Hammer House of Horror".
  • although it focuses mainly on horror films, it also has a varied history, including noir, action-adventure movies, psychological thrillers and historical epics.
  • worldwide smash "The Woman in Black" was produced by Hammer Films, and is now up for 2 Empire awards.
  • This company is noticeably smaller in comparison to the above American companies, and tends to produce more individual films while the American institutions (Warner Bros. and 21st Century Fox) tend to produce more mainstream films.


As the audience of any film is perhaps the most important aspect that will constitute the film's success, it is vital that I research the target audience of thriller films and relate it to my own film. This will be essential in ensuring that my film is successful in entertaining and enticing the audience.

Audiences of thrillers are not simply a certain age group, or gender, but also a certain type of personality. Those who watch thrillers tend to be:
  •  individuals who could be considered "risk takers" 
  • those who are educated (as there is usually an enigma which the individual works out independently while watching the film)
  • people who enjoy suspense and tension within films

As we have decided that our thriller film would be primarily be aimed at a target audience of females aged between 18 and 24, we conducted interviews of people in this demographic. This would enable us to gain an insight into what our film should include and offer the audience in order for our film opening to be effective.

Hannah Duffin - 19 year old female

Gantt Chart

I have created this gantt chart (as seen below) in order to ensure that I complete all tasks set by the deadline. This will help me to manage my time and ensure that I can make any last minute changes and resolve issues. The use of this gantt chart is essential as they are used to break up large projects, such as creating a film opening into smaller, more manageable tasks. As the columns on the right suggest the week in which each task should be completed it puts the tasks into a chronological order, making completion deadlines easier to follow. In addition, by creating the gantt chart it becomes apparent that I, as an individual, understand the requirements of this project, meaning that it will be completed successfully.

Friday 8 March 2013

Location Recce

We created a recce for each location that we shot our film in, in order establish whether the location was suitable for the event and if using the venue was likely to create any additional potential problems or additional costs.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Photographs while shooting

Informing the actress used (Georgia Milkins) of where to position herself in order for filming to commence.

The actress walking away from the bus stop and towards Victoria Road bridge.

Ready to begin filming the actress walking off the bus at the bus stop.

The actress turning to look the opposite direction due to what has been said during a phone call.
The actress adding the finishing touches to costume in order to begin filming of the opening scene.

Storyboard of our film

Before shooting or planning on location, we decided to storyboard what we intended to shoot as a guideline for shot types and positioning of actors and props. This helped us greatly when planning our filming, as the guideline proved useful when deciding where actors should be positions and what shots should be used to create the appropriate effects.

The first page of our storyboard
The second page of our storyboard
The third and final page of our storyboard

When we began filming, it soon became apparent that we would have to change our original plan, as we found many errors with our original story board. The largest error that soon became visible once we had began filming was the lack of close ups and medium close ups. We decided that there needed to be much more of these as they create tension, vital in ensuring that the audience know that they are watching a thriller. It is also important as our opening contains no dialogue, so close ups would be the only indication as to the emotion of the protagonist and also highlighting important areas of filming, for example, the importance of the briefcase.

In addition, we had originally planned to shoot the beginning half of our film opening in Bristol city centre, and the second half in Warmley, distinguishing between the two using shots of the protagonist on a bus. However, after shooting the end of our film first, we soon realised that filming in the city centre would be very complex for a number of reasons, including the fact that it would be busy and so passers by would constantly obstruct our filming. Also, we realised that if our camera were to run out of power, charging it would be an issue. This would not be so if we were filming in Warmley, as we could return home and charge it before continuing. This would reduce the risk of us getting behind on our filming schedule as we would not have to stop filming for the whole day if the camera were to run out of power.

Below is our second storyboard.

The first page of our storyboard

The second page of our storyboard

The third page of our storyboard

The fourth and final page of our storyboard