Thursday 11 April 2013

Our production group for our film

Golden Earring Productions

Our production group specialises in more modern films, including a female protagonist rather than a male. These protagonists are always objects of aspiration rather than desire, giving the films created a more "die-hard" and serious tone. Our production group specialises in thriller films, yet also produces many other genres, such as horror and fantasy. However, romances and romantic comedies are not included as this would go against the idea of a strong, female protagonist who would rely on nobody but herself.

By doing this, we would create films that would appeal to a large female audience, as the idea of an independent leading female would create feelings of empowerment and independence. These films would also however appeal to males, as the idea of an independent female would be respected and admired. In addition, simply the fact that these type of films are not a rarity but often less common would interest many people.

Examples of films similar to those that our production group would produce

  • The Hunger Games
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Lara Croft
  • Kill Bill
  • Pulp Fiction

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